Naturopathy is defined as the philosophy, art, and science of achieving the highest possible level of health by teaching you how to properly manage your lifestyle.

The origin of naturopathy:
Some people trace naturopathy back to Hippocrates. They consider Hippocrates as the father of naturopathy. They may be right, but naturopathy was born in 1902, when Benedict Lust, a German immigrant, founded the American School of Naturopathy in New York. This school grew rapidly, so that in 1919 Lust also founded the American Naturopathic Association. This was an association that welcomed as professionals the naturopaths that Lust trained in his school.

The word "naturopathy" comes from two English words: "Nature" and path. It means the way or path of nature.

The HYGIONOMISTE approach:
The approach adopted by the members of the INHA (International Naturopathic and Hygiene Association) and the practicing members of the EducoSanté Society (organizations based in the province of Quebec and essentially dedicated to health improvement and disease prevention) is aimed at people aware of the need to take real control of their health. It proposes a correct management of all life habits, both for the sick and the healthy. It is called the HYGIONOMISTE® approach. It is an approach based on the correct management of health-promoting factors.

In short, naturopathy is much more than conventional medicine, it is an art of living that takes us back to the knowledge of our ancestors, with the aim to create and maintain good health and having a healthy and harmonious quality of life.

This approach consists of four main elements:
1. It specifies the essential conditions for life.
2. It offers a plausible explanation for the causes of disease.
3. Outlines the natural factors of health.
4. Proposes the correct management of these factors.

¿What is the role of a Naturopath?
My role is to accompany you in individual, face-to-face or virtual meetings, towards autonomous, optimal and optimistic management of your health. I also intervene in chronic and degenerative health problems in complementarity with allopathic medicine and emotional management (cancers, diabetes, thyroid, arthritis, inflammatory bowel diseases, autoimmune diseases, etc.).

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