
« To know your story, is to heal »


Family constellations is a method developed by philosopher, theologian, educator and psychotherapist, Bert Hellinger in the mid 1990s. Throughout his career, he has treated and studied families for over 50 years and observed that many of us unconsciously use destructive family patterns that lead to anxiety, depression, anger, guilt, loneliness, alcoholism and even illness as a form of "belonging" to our families.

This method is a family introspection, focusing on you in relation to your network of family ties, offering an experience that promotes understanding and acceptance that favors your inner peace.

People possess certain unconscious negative anchors, which transmit painful feelings and from which we sometimes do not know how to detach ourselves. These anchors often lead us to reproduce certain behaviors or experience certain negative situations repeatedly, without knowing very well how to solve them.

¿What is the purpose of family constellations?

- They aim to address conflict resolution.
- Help to highlight how we are linked to our ancestors.
- Increase self-knowledge and favor personal change.
- Identify the type of relationships that are established between the different members of the family system.
- To deal with almost anything:
   . Childhood traumas.
   . Depression, sadness, and melancholy, with or without apparent cause.
   . Overcoming tragic events such as losses or mourning.
   . Coping with illness.
   . Current relationship problems or past relationships.
   . Fertility problems or adoptions.
   . Problems with children (any type).
   . Difficulties in family, work, or social relations.
   . Understanding identity conflicts.
   . Understanding where certain patterns of behavior come from.
   . Feelings of self-sabotage for not achieving economic, professional, or personal success.
   . Other issues: inheritances, lawsuits.
   . Professional and project orientation.
   . Etc.

The information obtained during the constellation, on the one hand, allows you to identify and reinterpret dysfunctional family patterns that are unconsciously reproduced, to find solutions to entrenched conflicts or illnesses and to reconcile with events or people from the past. The results can be truly life changing.

You can only constellate what is related to you, issues that affect you in relation to other people or situations (parents, partner, siblings, co-workers, family, and personal issues...). You cannot do a constellation for a family member or friend to solve their problem.

How is a family constellation performed?
This dynamic is usually done in groups, although it is not considered group therapy. It can be in groups of 5 to 12 people who do not have any link between them, including the constellator or moderator who is the one who leads the session. However, sometimes individual constellations can also be done. It is a single meeting that usually lasts several hours. During the session, the client chooses among the participants, people to represent members of his or her family. The representatives reproduce unconscious attitudes and emotions that are related to the experiences of family members. This gentle and sensitive method allows to reveal the energies of the relationships through the representatives, so that it can lead to a solution. This implies that each member is allowed to find his or her place in the group through a healthy and respectful connection with each other, giving us an idea of the possible causes of conflicts from which we do not draw a definitive conclusion, but simply see, feel, and let the energies do their work.

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